Sunday, April 12, 2009

A relationship

This year of school has been all about relationships for me, from making new friends for the first time since pre-school, to talking to my professors, to my break up with Kelsey. It’s all been about relationships, Mr. King told me during a round of golf “Meet as many people as you possibly can while you are at school because you will never get another opportunity to meet that many new people in your life.” (I smoked Mr. King in that round of golf by the way…). I like to think that I have made plenty of new friends at Olivet (please let me know if I have not). I have ended a major relationship this year and I have started another, and thinking about this has led me to realize that what is really going on with my walk with Jesus.

I was talking to a friend of mine who was struggling with keeping up with his daily devotions and prayer. I told him that this….this thing that we have with God is not just something, it’s a relationship, we are not praying to something, we are praying to somebody. Even though I was the one saying this it opened my eyes too, God and I have a relationship…when I think about a relationship I think about Kelsey and I, how much it brightened my day, how much she loved me and how much I loved her, how it changed my lifestyle. I take that and I look at my relationship with God, that relationship doesn’t even compare to what I have right now. This realization came before Easter weekend and boy am I glad it did because it made it into the most touching Easter I have experienced. I stood there at the Good Friday service and was almost brought to tears, three days later I stood in the Easter service and was overjoyed. I finally felt what Easter was always about; I was consumed by the emotions that Easter brings to all Christians. All of the Easters in the future will no longer be about the basket that I get in the morning, the candy, or the Easter eggs… it will be about Jesus and the cross. “Thank you God!!!”


  1. love this. brought me to tears just reading it. you are a gem matthias, a real gem.

    what about that "other" relationship? :)

  2. Thank you Sherry that means a lot :)
