Monday, April 27, 2009

Spring is here!!!

Finally it’s here! I was getting to the point where I thought I would never again experience warm weather and now I can finally walk outside in a t-shirt and shorts. When it starts getting nice out we all know what happens to the grass…it turns a beautiful green and becomes very lush, and when that happens it is time to break out the Walker Mower and start mowing.

Mowing is a passion of mine that started about five or six years ago when I was mowing my mom’s grass every week. It felt soooo good to look back at the lawn after it was mowed and see every blade of grass cut evenly, to see long straight lines in the lawn, and the smell of fresh grass. This passion of mine got fueled even more when I started working at L&M, everyday at 7:00 in the morning I would drive a my fellow partner, Adan, and a huge trailer with two beautiful Walkers on it and head to Denver to mow Quest properties and Home Depots. I learned how to mow quickly and efficiently due to the fact that we had a certain number of properties to mow each day; I learned where to place the outer wheel of the deck on line that I just mowed, that made it so my stripes were nice and wide. I eventually became a string trimmer champion being able to evenly cut a small patch of grass with ease and trim around sidewalks both ways (left handed and right handed). Although I did not think very highly of it then, I really enjoyed waking up early in the morning to go mow green lawns; the smells that accompanied me in those mornings still linger around in my memory. I spent two full summers doing this job, it didn’t pay as well as I would have liked but I got some awesome experience on the mowers (probably around 15-20 hours on a mower each week) and I learned how to drive a truck with a huge trailer attached to it through Denver traffic.

Last year I got offered to work at THE Walker Company….THE Walker Company!!! I got to use some of the best mowing machines with some very nice decks. L&M taught me how to mow quickly and efficiently because we were on a deadline so when I started mowing at Walker I was FLYING on the mowers. Eventually Dean Walker told me it’s okay to slow down a bit so I started slowing down and really focusing on mowing precisely and straight. Eventually I was mowing Dean Walker’s lawn!!! This is a big deal to me because this is the master handing over his territory for me to mow for him! The best mowing job I did was right before the Walker Reunion, I mowed the north lawn (the biggest lawn) with the 56” deck, I believe, and I caught all of the grass which is something I don’t usually do. My lines were spot on straight, I so wish I took a picture of it because it was one the most beautiful things I have ever seen. This summer I am going to be trying to mow the Walker “W” or the Walker logo into the north lawn, not mention some other cool mowing patterns that I have up my sleeve.

I walk around campus in the morning and I can smell that they have been spraying and putting down fertilizer and all I can think of is hopping on a mower and cutting some grass.

8 more days till SUMMER!!!

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