Monday, November 1, 2010


I don’t know where O.J. Simpson is today but how can the man go to sleep at night?  (Assuming the man really was guilty)  Has “not guilty” been engrained into his head where he now thinks it’s true?  Is there a sense of accomplishment because he got away with it or is he too ashamed to look himself in the mirror?  Does Tiger Woods feel the pain of his actions every night when he goes to bed, alone? Is he alone or continuing down the road he was on? How about Bill Gates, is money ever considered before he buys something? Is he buying the Wal-Mart brand of ice cream because Breyers isn’t on sale this week? Does he even go to the grocery store? Do “great ideas” come to people out of the blue or after long sessions of brain storming? What’s their motivation behind the idea? Money? Fame? Helping others? Helping themselves? What emotion of yours is looking to be satisfied today? What’s your goal for the day?

Try waking up when you set your alarm and not hitting the snooze button.
Try not eating dessert
Try not complaining for an extended amount of time
Try not going on Facebook for a day
Try reading instead of watching TV
Try not watching TV or playing Xbox
Try sticking to your word, treat every “I’ll call you” or “We should hang out sometime” like a promise.
Try talking to that one person you don’t have the guts to talk to on a normal day

(Random Fact: 13 horizontally stacked DVD’s = 1 DVD standing vertically)

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