Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Welcome Back

It's been well over a year since my last post but my friend Kyle posted a couple times this past week and thought what the heck?

Lately I've been so bored with myself that I'm doing homework for entertainment or walking around the library and distracting other people from their work. Although being bored isn't fun I do get a lot of work done so I wouldn't mind staying in this "era" of my college years for a couple of more months. I take naps at awkward hours of the day then stay up till the wee hours of the morning. I slept from 2:30-6:00 this afternoon and now it’s 11:00 and I'm sitting at Denny's drinking my fifth cup of coffee.

People might ask "Why are you so bored? Halo Reach is out" I HATE that game, yet I play it because I feel I have some obligation to my "fans" to play it like it's my job. Who are my fans? Any kid who asks if I play Reach. (At the end of freshman year I calculated how many hours I played Halo 3....my dad is going to be so proud of me....it came out to be about 25 days worth.) My TV broke earlier this semester so I'm playing on a TV dated back to middle school, I'll never take 1080p for granted...let alone 720p. The TV is fixable, Samsung wants to fix it for 150 bucks, and I can do it for $35 plus shipping, just waiting for the part to be in stock.

"would you like more coffee?"
"why stop now?"
*seventh cup of coffee*

Went to the Deadmau5 concert with the best group of guys on Saturday, four of them were techno concert virgins and were blown away. Nothing is better than thousands of kids jumping up down to the best techno music out there.

Tangent…a year ago the girl next to me had long brown hair, looked great but one day she walks into class looking like Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta. Now every time I look at her I have flashbacks to V for Vendetta and Star Wars Episode I & II (Episode III was so bad I erased it from my viewing history).

*eighth cup*

Back to techno, if anybody has the chance to go to a concert of any techno/house/trance DJ, GO. It’s an experience I struggle to describe…it’s what the genre of music was made for…it’s experiencing techno in its correct state, it’s raw, original, fresh, pure…that’s it, PURE. You are listening to techno in the purest form, straight from the DJ in an environment designed for it. It is comparable to eating seafood on the beach, not at Red Lobster in the landlocked state of Colorado.

Campus is in its prime state with the trees changing color and the leaves on the ground.

Tangent…the grounds crew at Olivet picks up leaves every week. They use their side discharge John Deere mower to drive around and blow the leaves into a big pile. He’s not even mowing, the deck is on the highest setting and he drives around in a big circle blowing leaves. The lawn looks “fantastic” once he’s done…THEN this vacuum comes around and sucks up the pile. You should see this thing, it’s massive and it takes three guys to operate. You know what takes one man to operate and does the same thing?

Model MT 43
Walker Mowers, the only mower you need.

On my tenth cup of coffee, I’m going to go run around the block.


  1. Glad I reminded you to start posting again... I always enjoyed reading your blogs last year.

    I feel your pain about the TV, man. I played all last year on like a 22-inch Memorex (yeah, that's right...they used to make something other than CDs...). I think it ruined my eyesight even more...

    Also, only you would dedicate a portion of your blog to promote a lawnmower...at the end of October... You should be proud.

  2. I'm actually pretty excited to start writing again. I don't have any papers to do for school and mrs james would be proud to hear I miss it a little bit.

  3. Yeah man it's so much more enjoyable when you're just writing for yourself.... No restrictions or deadlines...
