Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I’m sick of thinking about tomorrow, I’m tired of grinding about what my next move is, where I will be, who will be around, what mistakes I need to avoid so I can be successful. What a waste of time, especially this time of year.  Christmas break is a great break because you’re not home for an extended weekend (Thanksgiving break) and there are TWO holidays.  Let’s be honest, when you were little everything was building up to Christmas, the shopping, presents arriving in the mail, baking cookies, and decorating the tree.  Then Christmas begins and ends before you get to wrap your head around the amount of toys you got that morning.  The next two days are scheduled for toy playing and video game domination, I was always allowed unlimited hours on the Nintendo the two days after Christmas.  Much better than the two hours given to me on a regular day, that’s barely enough time to load the game and get a good session in. My N64 is, to date, the best Christmas present I have received over my 20 year career.  I actually opened Mario Kart 64 before I opened the console; boy that whole day was A.W.E.S.O.M.E.  So after those two days we all got depressed because the Christmas buzz wore off, but then we realized New Years Eve was a couple of days away and it was the holiday spirit all over again. 

My family leaves for New York tomorrow, a trip we always make for Christmas to spend time with my mom’s side of the family.  I have this tendency to think about what we are doing next, we could be opening presents and I’m thinking about what we are going to do for lunch.  Before I know it the trip is over and I feel somewhat unsatisfied, like I didn’t get everything out of the trip.  Not this year, I’m going to enjoy every present opening, cookie eating, meal eating, drink drinking, church…churching, and family talking opportunity that comes my way.  Living in the now, the present, so I can enjoy my Christmas. 

Merry Christmas to everybody (all 40 of you)

1 comment:

  1. I cracked up when you said "church...churching."

    Merry Christmas to you too.
